

Provisional Guidelines on the Scope and Format of Detail Drawings of Buildings and Structures. Section 5. Metalwork. Metalwork Drawings.
Временная инструкция о составе и оформлении строительных рабочих чертежей зданий и сооружений. Раздел 5. Конструкции металлические. Чертежи КМ.

Document Number/Номер документа: 460-74


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Provisional Guidelines on the Scope and Format of Detail Drawings of Buildings and Structures. Section 5. Metalwork. Metalwork Drawings.
Provisional Guidelines on the Scope and Format of Detail Drawings of Buildings and Structures. Section 5. Metalwork. Metalwork Drawings.

Document Number/Номер документа: Постановление N 876 от 30.12.2006

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Provisional Guidelines on the Scope and Format of Detail Drawings of Buildings and Structures. Section 5. Metalwork. Metalwork Drawings.
Provisional Guidelines on the Scope and Format of Detail Drawings of Buildings and Structures. Section 5. Metalwork. Metalwork Drawings.

Document Number/Номер документа: Приказ N 179 от 29.06.2012

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Provisional Guidelines on the Scope and Format of Detail Drawings of Buildings and Structures. Section 5. Metalwork. Metalwork Drawings.
Provisional Guidelines on the Scope and Format of Detail Drawings of Buildings and Structures. Section 5. Metalwork. Metalwork Drawings.

Document Number/Номер документа: 54

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